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Gordon Michael Scallion's Future Map of the World

Gordon Michael Scallion's Future Map of the World

When I wrote my first commodity on billionaire bunkers years ago, I never would have imagined how quickly our globe was changing. Our lives are in a abiding state of flux, the political situation aside, our globe is speedily changing. Between the increment of baroque atmospheric condition patterns hitting the world, and recent major volcanic activity, now more than than ever our focus is on our planets hereafter.

In the early 1980's, spiritual visionaries and futurists provided clues to our irresolute planet. Often dismissed as crazy prophets, their thoughts for a new world were quickly ignored and laughed at. Gordon-Michael Scallion was a futurist, instructor of consciousness studies and metaphysics and a spiritual visionary. In the 80's he claims to take had a spiritual awakening that helped him create very detailed maps of future world, all stemming from a cataclysmic pole shift.  The result, while not based on any science, even so provides a brilliant and compelling picture of an Earth ravaged by flooding.

Scallion believed that a pole shift would stem from global warming, nuclear activity, and the misuse of technology. Another theorist and psychic Edgar Cayce predicted a 16 to twenty degree shift, while Scallion predicted a 20-45 caste shift. Cayce predicted that when both Mt. Etna volcano in Italy and Mt. Pelee in Martinique erupt together, in that location volition be approximately 90 days to evacuate the west coast before the massive flood claims the coastline.

Simply the well-nigh compelling statement is that an asteroid or comet collision with earth could cause the entire planet to shift its axis of rotation.

NASA planned to intercept Asteroid in 2020

NASA plans to intercept Asteroid in 2021


According to a NASA written report, "Many doomsday theorists have tried to take this natural geological occurrence and advise it could lead to Earth's destruction. Just would in that location be whatever dramatic effects? The answer, from the geologic and fossil records we have from hundreds of past magnetic polarity reversals, seems to be 'no.' In that location is nothing in the millions of years of geologic record to suggest that any of the doomsday scenarios connected to a pole reversal should be taken seriously."

I recently spent the 24-hour interval at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena where the NEOWISE Mission has become the official asteroid hunter. According to Amy Mainzer (JPL, NEOWISE principal investigator), the mission has discovered 250 new objects including 72 about-World objects and 4 new comets. They have the task of documenting potentially hazardous near-Earth objects.

Inside Mission Control at the Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Inside Mission Control at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jim Dobson

NASA has even created an Asteroid watch website with detailed listings of discovered objects as well equally a detailed Affect adventure chart which lists the yr 2020 as the earliest increased activeness take a chance.

During the Obama assistants, plans were developed for NASA to launch a robotic probe in 2021 toward a most-Earth asteroid; the current target is a one,300-human foot-broad (400 m) rock called 2008 EV5. According to John Holdren, then director of the White Firm's Office of Science and Technology Policy, "Subsequently it arrives at the asteroid, the spacecraft will pluck a boulder off its surface and then fly forth with the infinite rock for a while, investigating the potential of a deflection strategy known as the "enhanced gravity tractor." The probe will and so caput back toward Globe, eventually placing the boulder in orbit effectually the moon. Astronauts aboard NASA'due south Orion space sheathing will visit the stone in the mid-2020s.

While smaller asteroids tin do bang-up harm on a local scale, experts think that space rocks must be at least 0.half-dozen miles broad to threaten homo civilization. NASA scientists estimate that they take constitute at least 90 percent of these enormous, virtually-Earth asteroids, and none of them pose a threat for the future.

I spoke with Professor Donald L. Turcotte, an expert in planetary geology at the University of California Davis, Earth and Planetary Science Section, he tells me that the predictions of earthquakes causing a planetary shift and coastal flooding is for the most part nonsense. However, he did say it is far more than probable an asteroid hit would crusade a polar shift. This could ultimately lead to cataclysmic change and a map similar to Scallions original vision.

With all of this knowledge of future mapping, exercise the globe's financial leaders know something nosotros don't? Consider how many of the richest families accept been grabbing up massive amounts of farmland around the world. All property is far away from littoral areas, and in locations conducive to self-survival, farming and coal mining.

Bell Ranch land in New Mexico owned by John Malone

Bell Ranch country in New Mexico owned by billionaire John Malone

Bates Land Consortium

It appears that dry out territories in the United States such every bit Montana, New United mexican states, Wyoming and Texas are all very popular regions for the wealthiest individuals. Billionaires such as John Malone (currently the largest landowner in America, owns two,200,000 acres including Wyoming and Colorado), Ted Turner (two,000,000 acres in Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico and N Dakota), Philip Anschultz (434,000 acres in Wyoming), Amazon'due south Jeff Bezos (400,000 acres in Texas) and Stan Kroenke (225,162 acres in Montana) all have amassed major land. Upon further inquiry, many billionaires are preparing for future escape plans with "vacation homes" in remote locations. Many of them too have their private planes prepare to depart at a moment's notice.

Billionaire Beak Gates recently acquired 28,000 acres in Arizona to create his own city called Belmont. According to the company declaration; "Belmont volition create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and democratic logistics hubs." The company details the plans including; iii,800 acres for office, commercial and retail space, 470 acres for public schools and there are plans for fourscore,000 residential units. "Belmont volition transform a raw, blank land into a futuristic city built around a flexible infrastructure model" added Belmont Backdrop.

Fifty-fifty a wealthy member of the Mormon church, David Hall reportedly has plans for 20,000 person cocky-sustained communities throughout the land, including the outset in Vermont with a recent 900-acre farmland purchase. The communities will be called NewVistas.

NewVistas land in

NewVistas state in Vermont


Internationally, moguls in Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand have been snapping upward farmland at record paces. The interest in cattle, dairy and agricultural farms are all proving tempting for cocky-sustained survival. But more importantly the wealthy are preparing for safe escape havens, stockpiling real estate in dry areas and moving away from the old-school approach of storing nutrient and water. Money and precious metals will be useless, as self sustainable territory will go the new necessary luxury. Many have installed helipads on their properties for easy access and many are buying upwardly Silos and bunkers around the globe.

So, in the effect of a mail asteroid apocalypse, where are the safest territories in the world?  According to several prognosticators and much criticized theorists, here is the detailed list of predicted country changes based on geological positioning. All post polar shift predictions are based on theories from Gordon-Michael Scallion, Edgar Cayce and others, and should not be construed as fact.

Future map of Africa by Gordon Scallion

Time to come map of Africa past Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute


Africa will ultimately be divided into three parts. The Nile will widen significantly. A brand new waterway will split the entire expanse, from the Mediterranean Sea towards Gabon. Every bit the Carmine Bounding main enlarges, Cairo volition ultimately disappear into the sea. The majority of Madagascar will also exist taken by the body of water. New country volition then ascension in the Arabian Sea. A new landmass will develop to the north and westward of Cape Town, and new mount ranges will be emerge above ground in the area. Lake Victoria will merge with Lake Nyasa and flow into the Indian Body of water. Central eastern Africa's coast-lines will be completely inundated by water.

Future map of China by Gordon Scallion

Future map of Communist china past Gordon- Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute


This heavily seismic region will have the most severe and dramatic Earth changes. Country will exist inundated from the Philippines to Japan, and north to the Bering Sea, including the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands. As the Pacific Plate shifts its position ix degrees, the islands of Japan will eventually sink, leaving merely a few modest islands. Taiwan and most of Korea will be completely lost to the ocean. The entire coastal region of Communist china will be pushed inland hundreds of miles. Indonesia will pause up, however some islands will remain and new state will sally. The Philippines will disappear completely below the body of water. Asia will lose a pregnant amount of its land mass through these dramatic changes, however entirely new state will eventually be created.

Future map of India and surrounding areas

Hereafter map of India and surrounding areas by Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute


Due to extreme land buckling and lowering the height of the country, the population of India will be told not to seek higher basis within the interior country, simply to caput to the Himalayas, to Tibet and Nepal and Cathay or the higher mountains that are officially with Indian territory.

Future map of Northern Europe by Gordon Scallion

Future map of Northern Europe by Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Found


Antarctica volition get fertile, soil rich and farming territory. New land will be created from the Antarctic Peninsula to Tierra del Fuego, and east towards S Georgia Isle.

Future map of Australia and New Zealand by Gordon Scallion

Future map of Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand past Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute


Australia will lose almost twenty-v pct of its land due to coastal flooding. The Adelaide expanse will become a new sea all the way north towards Lake Eyre. The Simpson and Gibson Deserts will somewhen become fertile, farming land. Entirely new communities volition develop between the Great Sandy and Simpson Deserts and new refugee settlements will be created in Queensland. New land will likewise be created off the coast.

New Zealand

New Zealand will abound in size, and will once again join the state of erstwhile Australia. New Zealand will speedily get the glory land, and ultimately go 1 of the safest areas in the unabridged world.

Future map of Europe by Gordon Scallion

Future map of Europe by Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute


Europe will experience the fastest and near serious Earth changes. Virtually of Northern Europe volition sink beneath the sea, as the tectonic plate underneath it collapses. Kingdom of norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark volition exist all disappear and volition ultimately create hundreds of small islands.

Most of the United Kingdom, from Scotland to the English Channel, will disappear beneath the sea. Several pocket-size islands will remain. Major cities like London and Birmingham will be amidst the remaining islands. Much of Ireland will disappear below the body of water, except for the college footing areas.

Russian federation will be separated from Europe by an entirely new sea when the Caspian, Black, Kara, and Baltic Seas combine. The new sea volition stretch all the style to the Jenisej River in Siberia. The areas climate will remain condom, leaving Russia to supply virtually of Europe's food. The Blackness Bounding main will merge with the North Sea equally well, leaving Republic of bulgaria and Romania completely under h2o.

Certain areas of western Turkey will get under water, creating a new coastline from Istanbul to Republic of cyprus. Much of central Europe will sink and well-nigh of the state betwixt the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Body of water will be completely lost underwater.

The bulk of France will go under h2o, leaving an isle in the surface area surrounding Paris. A completely new waterway will so separate Switzerland from France, creating a line from Geneva to Zurich. Italian republic will be entirely divided by water. Venice, Naples, Rome and Genoa will sink below the ascent sea. Higher elevations will be created equally new islands. New lands will ascent from Sicily to Sardinia.

Future map of North America by Gordon Scallion

Time to come map of Due north America past Gordon-Michael Scallion


North America


Parts of the Northwest region will exist pushed in almost two hundred miles. Regions in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and areas of Alberta volition become the refugee / survival eye of Canada. Near migrations into the region will arrive from British Columbia and Alaska.


As the North American Plate buckles, the new Islands of California will be created with almost 150 islands. The Westward Coast will recede east towards Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado.

The Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway will join and keep through the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. All littoral areas from Maine to Florida will be taken over past water and pushed inland for miles.


Near coastal areas of Mexico will be inundated far inland. The California Baja coast will ultimately become a series of islands. Much of the Yucatan Peninsula will be lost to the rising waters.

Primal America and the Caribbean

Central America will sink and volition be reduced to a series of islands. Higher elevations will be considered condom. A new waterway will eventually develop from the Bay of Honduras to Salinas, Ecuador. The Panama Canal volition ultimately become cut off with no access.

Southward America

In South America, heavy earthquake and volcanic activity will accept place. Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil will be taken over past water. The Amazon Basin area will get a huge inland sea. Republic of peru and Republic of bolivia volition be sink with rising waters.

Salvador, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and parts of Uruguay will sink below the ocean, and and so volition the Falkland Islands. An entirely new sea will ascent to accept over much of primal Argentine republic. A huge landmass, which will include another new inland bounding main will develop and join up  with the land of Chile.

Future map of South America by Gordon Scallion

Futurity map of Due south America by Gordon-Michael Scallion

Matrix Institute

Gordon Michael Scallion's Future Map of the World

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